I'm a fullstack JS/TS developer with a passion for everything web and mobile dev. Always trying to learn and grow, both in and out of work. Currently learning: Serverless!


  • React
  • Redux
  • JavaScript
  • Ruby
  • Rails
  • HTML
  • CSS
  • PostgreSQL
  • MongoDB
  • Node.js
  • Express
  • webpack
  • Git
  • Python

Recent Projects

screenshots of slacker, a slack clone


A slack clone with google OAuth that uses web sockets for real-time chat. Built using Rails, PostgreSQL, and React/Redux.

screenshots of somewhere, a vanilla javascript platformer


A platforming game with multiple levels and custom-designed physics engine. Built using vanilla javascript, CSS, and HTML Canvas.

screenshots of mango music, a music based social media website

Mango Music

A social media platform for music lovers, using Spotify's API to search for songs and grab song details. Built using MongoDB, Express/Node, and React/Redux.

blurred image

WIP: Splitwise clone

A clone of the app splitwise that allows users to track and split bills with friends. Hooks up to Venmo's API to support payments between users.

Personal Values


Continual learning and an active curiosity are attributes that I think are indispensable not only to succeed as a software engineer, but also necessary ingredients for a fulfilling life


Practicing empathy towards others and trying to understand fellow human beings help make the world a more kinder place. On a practical level, it also naturally trains interpersonal skills and improves my ability to communicate with others.


Most people who've met me in person would describe me as a relentless positive and cheerful person. I think being able to look on the bright side and make the most of any situation is a part of how I'm wired.


Being consistent and diligent are the building blocks to mastering any skill. My personal belief is that consistent practice and discipline trumps ephemeral motivation any day!

Get in touch

Click here to send an email or fill out the following form.